Wednesday, February 8, 2012

1st Assingment: The Ode

UPDATE: Please be creative with this assignment, and think deeply about the "thing" or "entity" you will address.  I really like this assignment because it often produces the "best work" I get to read from individual students.  You can hand it into me on paper if you like, or simply post it on the blogs.  Whichever method you are comfortable with.  Have fun. 

What is an "ode?"  Let's ask Wikipedia:

An ode is typically a lyrical verse written in praise of, or dedicated to someone or something which captures the poet's interest or serves as an inspiration for the ode.

In fact, the "greatest poem ever written" is an ode written by the famous English poet, John Keats - Ode to a Nightingale.  He died very young, and many believed if he'd lived longer that he could have rivaled William Shakespeare as one of the greatest writers ever.

This poem is one of those which university professors continually dissect and write lengthy dissertations on.  It is filled to the brim with subtext and hidden meanings, some of which Keats may have even intended.  The theme of transience  is just one of many things we can discuss: how does man compare to a bird?  What is the difference between joy and happiness?  What is the relationship between imagination and reality?  

The 5 W's of the poem (when and where and why it was written) are interesting. One day, while  sitting under a tree, Keats notices a nightingale bird land in the branches and began to sing.  Deathly ill, and perhaps high on opium, he begins to write - envious of the bird's freedom and health.  Thus, "Ode to a Nightingale" was born, and many consider this to be a "perfect poem."

Keats is truly amazing.  For our purposes, we are going to change things a little and basically write a poetic letter to something or somewhere instead of someone.

Some terms we can associate with this exercise:
  • Personification - assigning an object with human qualities. 
  • Apostrophe - in this case not the thing on your keyboard, but the AP Rhetorical Device.

Imagine what you might say in a letter that begins with:

Dear Seoul,
Dear California,
Dear North Korea,
Dear iPhone,
Dear PS3,
Dear Sadness,
Dear Boredom,
Dear English,
Dear K-Pop,
Dear EOP,
Dear Cockroach,
Dear Metal Chopsticks,
Dear Sleep,
Dear Bed,
Dear Starcraft,
Dear Angry Birds,
Dear Pizza,
Dear Broccoli,
Dear Internet,
Dear Harry Potter Series,

The possibilities are endless, and I want you to write a poetic letter using lots of descriptive writing and philosophical insight.  Think of that object or place as a friend or enemy that you know very well.  Metaphorically give it qualities that are human, and have fun poeticizing the things you love, hate, or hate to love or love to hate about that thing.

This should be written as a letter and a poem mixed together in a style of writing we might call "lyrical prose."  Imagine your sentences are music, and each word a note.  You can start thinking about:

Alliteration: using words with similar sounds in one sentence, sort of like a tongue twister.
Example - "The sweet sound of your soft voice silences my spirit into a still sleep."

This sentence has a smooth ring to it, all because "s" was used repeatedly in a musical way.

Repetition: repeating a sentence structure for more emphasis.  Politicians use this a lot when they make speeches.
Example - "We can make change.  We can fight for freedom.  We can be the light through the world's darkness.  We are America, and yes we can!"

So try and use these while you write your ode.  This is not really a poem, so try to write in the vicinity of 500 words. Include a picture and be creative (and clean) with your formatting.


Fine Examples:

This assignment is probably one of my favorites to give, as it often produces samples of writing which students can consider among their best.  From the 15th wave, one of my KMLA students, Hwee Jun, wrote a very strong one last semester, which delivered everything this assignment asks for, and more. 

Here is another really good one from another KMLA students, Seung Hyun in the 14th wave.  It's one of my favorite essays ever written by a KMLA student.  What's to like about this one?  At face value, it appears to be very simple.  And it is.  But if we read between the lines, there is a lot of comment on cultural diversity.  I think this could make a very good children's book if the idea was taken and re-framed a little.

Ode to ZzaPaGeuTi
By Seung Hyun Ryu (Amy)

Dear ZzaPaGeuTi (짜파게티),

Do you remember back when I was in elementary school? Id come home after a long and busy day, and immediately look for you. Thankfully, you were always there beside me whenever I needed you. However tired I was, you, with your warm brown scent, always made me feel comfortable and re-energized. Not only did you reduce my stress and tiredness of getting through the day, but you also helped soothe my feelings of homesickness for Korea. Ever since I was young, the thing I always miss most when Im away from Korea is the food. Luckily, I could easily meet you, dressed up in your fancy clothes in the Chinese marts of England. Its a secret to my good friend La Myun (라면), but I love you much more than her. While La Myun has a fiery temper, you are always warm and sweet towards me.

     You might find it a little surprising that after all these years of scarcely talking or meeting, I would suddenly write a letter to you. This surprise would have been doubled I suppose, because I began this letter full of praise for you while I have totally ignored you all this time. To make things a little less confusing, I will be very straightforward with you. The reason why Im writing this letter is to apologize for something that happened between us a long time ago. Even after all these years, I feel guilt over what I have done to you. Thus, I have mustered up the courage to write this letter. 
         Im sure that you recall the day that I introduced you for the first and last time to a friend I had made in England. Her name was Paulina, and she was a delicate little girl who had never lived outside of England. Well, when Paulina came over to my house, I introduced you to her. You were my favorite friend, so there was no reason for me to hesitate in doing so. I had absolutely no worries about whether Paulina would like you or not. After all, why wouldnt she love you as much as I did, when you were so deliciously kind and always extending your long, long noodley arms to help someone in need?

         However, to this day, I just cannot forget the expression on Paulinas face when she saw you. She was horrified by your color, and asked how I could possibly like someone who looked like you - someone who had a dirty mud color and a mop of straggly hair. She did not even bother to get acquainted with you, and announced that she would not speak a word to you because, on the whole, you looked like a bowl filled with dirty worms. Not only you, my dear friend ZzaPaGueTi, but also I was greatly affected by this incident. 

Regretfully, I was not old enough to realize that it was my friend who was shallow to judge you based on appearances. I should not have cared what Paulina said. Although you look a little odd in England, because of your dark skin color and straggly curly hair, that is simply because there are not so many like you in England, as there are in Korea. Furthermore, I should have been wise enough to realize that I loved you regardless; never mind what you look like.  Regretfully, I failed this wisdom at such a young age.  

         Hopefully, it is not too late to ask for your forgiveness. Although I have feigned not to notice you all these years, it was mainly because I did not have enough courage to beg for your forgiveness.  And not because I didnt want to be your friend again.  It was only when I was young and ignorant that I foolishly felt embarrassed by you, for being who you are. I dearly hope that you will understand me with your warm sweet heart, and once again embrace me with your long delicate arms.

         Hope to hear from you soon,
         With Love, Seung Hyun.


  1. Mr. Garrioch, I'm Seungmin Yoon from 11b5.
    I made my new blog in blogspot, and this is my blog's adress :
